Friday, March 7, 2008

"More Permanent Temporary cul-de-sac"

This was the phrase used by Community Development Director Jean Werbie when describing a change to the ordinance related to Temporary cul-de-sacs. Should we change permanent cul-de-sacs to Temporarily Permanent cul-de-sacs? Too funny.


Hot Head said...

=“More Permanent Temporary cul-de-sac”??? Well here we go... a whole new language for us peasants to learn. I thought I would save our over worked public servants (Big Mike works 90 hour weeks) some head aches and give them a little help. Here are some oxymoron’s they can work into the lexicon of future meetings.

Arrogant humility
Budget deficit
Blameless culprit
Calculated error
Casually concerned
Certainly unsure
Deficit spending
False fact
Honest graft
honest liar
honest politician
Job security (three year buy out)
Massively thin
Muscular fat
Negative growth (economic recession)
No-good do-gooder!
Normal espionage
Peasant king
perfect idiot
Permanent substitute
Planned spontaneity
Pleasant Prairie budget
Pleasant Prairie ethics
Political cooperation
political ethics
political leadership
political promise
political solutions
political trust
Private public record
Real phony
Relative truth
Sincere lie
Specialize in everything
Systematic variance
Totally partial
Unbiased predisposition
Vigorously ignoring

Anonymous said...

.How about:

welcome comments
citizen involvement
conscientious developers

Village People said...

Political leadership:
I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?

global village
police protection
pleasant hell
politely insulting
political cooperation
voluntary taxes
permanent substitute

"Have you lived in this village all your life?"
"No, not yet."

"Who is the oldest inhabitant of this village?"
"We haven't got one; we had one, but he died three weeks ago."

For those who like this sort of thing, this is the sort
of thing they like.

I wouldn't be paranoid if everyone didn't pick on me.

People have one thing in common: they are all different.

Anyone who isn't confused here doesn't really
know what's going on.

Procrastinate now!

I've told you for the fifty-thousandth time, stop exagerating.