Friday, June 6, 2008

Tiahnybok to Challenge Steinbrink for Assembly

Click here.

Should be interesting.

Link is active (Click here).


Anonymous said...

The announcement will be at Newman Park? Maybe it's a symbolic place? I believe (but I may be wrong) that the Park is named after a Kenosha Banker/Investor/Developer that helped develop that area. Maybe it can be worked into a speach since part of Alex's agenda is the development of the district and state (see quote).

"He said the state is at a crossroads of whether it wants to be an attractive place for individuals and businesses. Capping property taxes and attracting businesses without having to offer incentives are among his top priorities."

Anonymous said...

Dumb and dumber...Renner for supporting this loser, and Alex for...well, being the loser.

Anonymous said...

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have." - John Steinbrink, Sr.

Anonymous said...

Better than being a turncoat Republican that supports a Demnocrat.

Anonymous said...

I applaud anyone who runs for office. It isn't easy to put yourself out there under the public microscope.

Village People said...

Some people just can't get over themselves. Take a picture of yourself looking in a mirror and see what you get.

Anonymous said...

I love the whole process. Even if Alex loses, it should make our community better by bringing issues to light and gaining different perspectives.