Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Time for some fun

I miss the vitriolic anonymous, so here goes: Vote for Alex Tiahnybok for State Assembly District 65 seat!

Click here

And for those of you who just can't, get your wallets out: click here (Does Abbott support him?)


Anonymous said...

How can you vote for a moron that can't spell, doesn't use correct grammar, can't use correct punctuation, and does not know what a run-on sentence is? You want this idiot writing laws? He's a testament to the Illinois education system (and that's NOT a compliment).

Will Alex the Commie be endorsed by the Kenosha News-Pravda?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, you're a disgrace to your party.

Anonymous said...

Mike, I think this is possibly the most immature thing I've ever seen someone of your intelligence do. That's saying something. Gimmie a break.

Actually, I'm a bit upset at both Alex and John for the lack of discussion in the media (in spite of that outlet's shoddy nature). What are they campaigning on? What are their key issues?

That being said, I am impressed the campaign hasn't denigrated into a mudslinging contest from either side. With the history between the two of them, it's good to see THEM act like adults.

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone needs to practice what he preaches..run-ons sentences?

He also is apparently very confused about what commies believe and what capitalists believe.

He also needs to keep making fine comments about Illinois. It makes all Illinois migrants feel much better not to be like him, or is it her?

And speaking of mudslinging-what isn't mudslinging? And what is mudslinging?

Village People said...

John, and you wonder why The Orchard neighbors don't like you.....

Anonymous said...

If they knew me, it'd be one thing....they don't anymore than I know them. Never have I spewed the same crap they have at me.

My picture of you is a pseudo-activist. Whether or not I believe in the same things is irrelevant. That said, I honestly don't understand your need here. Alex and John are running a quiet campaign, and you hope for some morons to come out with the same kind of anonymous spewage. Frankly, it's beneath you...if you think my saying so makes me a bad person (or worthy of not being liked), so be it.

Village People said...

The title was time for some fun. I knew that no matter what I said, someone would have an issue. I have written items before that were done for information, only to get pummeled by people. I could have easily not included JS link but did so in fairness. It's my blog and my opinion. Without knowing why I wrote what I did, how could you attack my character? Try your own blog and see what happens. As far as The Orchard, I've said this many times before, you were caught in the middle of a war started when Village told us that they had a permit for the crossing when in actuallity, they did not. What was their motivation to say that? Only they know but when someone is less than honest, it fires you up (honest mistake? maybe but they had plenty of opportunity to make amends). When the plan changed for The Orchard, from what was originally planned, then residents figured, if the Village can make changes, then why can't we ask for changes? And it just snowballed from there. As far as who's telling the truth, nobody trusts what anyone says any more (and I don't just mean local politics and such either). But again, that's MY opinion.

Anonymous said...

Roscioli for Trustee (cLied jr). He will be "on-your-side" too.

Anonymous said...

You never answered the first question: How can you vote for a candidate that doesn't even run spell-checker on his website? If he doesn't check the ads he uses to try to get us to vote for him, how can we be sure he'll spell-check the laws he writes?

Alex is so busy trying to get elected, he can't bother with getting his message write (that's a joke, in case you missed it).

Anonymous said...

That's the best you can do? Go listen to John speak on Village website, then tell me that's what you want in a politician.

Village People said...

Go and vote for your democratic friend. I'll be cancelling you out.

Village People said...


Anonymous said...

Now Alex can get a big "L" tattooed on his forehead.

Village People said...

Sure, John. That would be beneficial wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

I hope you weren't referring to me. I, unlike most, always post with my name.

It's also a stupid thing to say. Anyone who runs for office (win or lose) should be applauded.