Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Allen versus Roscioli for Trustee #3

Who do you pick, and why?

Allen: http://clyderallen.com/index.php

Roscioli: http://rosciolifortrustee.blogspot.com/


Anonymous said...

There seems to be some tough times ahead for the Village/County/State/Country. It's going to take some strong leadership with bold "out of the box" ideas. We have to streamline government even if it means consolidating. We don't need duplication of mgmt at all the levels. We'll need the workers, just not all the freeloading high paid folks that ride along. The technology is here to reduce all these redundancies...

Anonymous said...

Clyde is on your side, but is Roly Poly on the side of Roscioli?

John Roscioli said...

Not sure who Roly Poly is, but I get along very well with the staff...at least to my knowledge. Same can be said of the current Board.

John Roscioli said...

I don't know the thinking necessarily needs to be "outside the box." That being said, ALL points of view must be looked at, regardless of the source. I think the Village is doing a good job of consolidating jobs and cooperating within departments to get things accomplished.

Anonymous said...

I'm not talking about consolidating the people that actually do the work. I'm talking about consolidating the mgmt of the work. Not just within the Village but in the Country/State/County/Village. The notion of duplication of mgmt at ALL of these levels as being both cost effective and work efficient should be over IMO. It worked great when it took days for info to travel around but in the post horse and buggy days all of this can be accomplished much more effectively. Maybe folks aren't ready to give up the old fashioned ways but it's time.

"ALL points of view must be looked at, regardless of the source." What does that statement mean?

John Roscioli said...

Anyone thinking they are going to consolidate power (hence changing management/direction of specific municipalities) is fooling themselves. County, city, town, village, et al are always going to think egocentrically...always have, always will.

I definitely feel better about the way the Village is run/organized in comparison with the other municipalities within Kenosha county. It's also easier to keep tabs with smaller departments, workforce, population, etc. Why become a part of the bigger entity if things aren't necessarily broken?

In prior years, ideas/suggestions were sometimes "discarded" due to the source. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

I think your foolish. The Villages/Counties/States/Country are about to embark on a trip where just keeping basic services like electricity/water/sewer going is going to be a challenge...

"In prior years, ideas/suggestions were sometimes "discarded" due to the source. Enough said." HUH?

John Roscioli said...

1) If calling someone foolish, you should use proper English. It's you are (or you're)...not your, which is a word referring to possession.

2) Consolidation of services is only necessary when those governmental bodies are having financial difficulties. Pleasant Prairie (actually citizens of PP) pay for their own garbage pickup, water utility (based on an already overpriced, MANDATORY agreement with Kenosha), and so on. Said consolidation for the Village is an argument that doesn't hold water...yes, pun intended.

3) As to discarded ideas...YES. When the dischord reached a boiling point, people were voting no just to vote no. I've actually been told this by a commissioner who did exactly that! Things like that should never happen.

Anonymous said...

1) If calling someone foolish, you should use proper English. It's you are (or you're)...not your, which is a word referring to possession.

is this the best you have?

all your gramatical nonsense is not going to help when the global economic colapse (sp?) (I'm sure the literary genius will correct) comes to PP. I'd be curious to know what the deliquent taxe % is in PP? what will you do as a trustee? do the typical response, raise taxes that will never get paid?

better get with it. business as usual will not get it done in the days ahead my ostrich fellow. again, it's going to take some strong insightful leadership that get us through this, not spelling teachers...

by the way, it's a blog, kind of stream of thought thing, not a grammar quiz you goof.

Anonymous said...

I apoligize, I must admit you ruffled my feathers. I'll leave you alone now.

Sounds to me like you'll fit right in down there at the Village Hall.

John Roscioli said...

The best I have? No, simply offering some guidance on your critique. Calling someone foolish and not spelling correctly isn't the way to go about things.

Merely calling me foolish is actually a poor way to go about things as well. I am running for Village Trustee to keep our Village great in the future. Do I have all the answers? No, but I'm willing to put forth the effort to help. Quite the opposite of an ostrich...wouldn't you say? Anonymous critics are closer to that ilk. Have you the courage to be the leader you claim we all need? We need more people to step up, volunteer, serve on commissions, etcetera.

I did explain what the Village needs to do with regard to public service (garbage, water, utilities)...maintain the current service standards and do what they can to minimize costs. The public already foots the bill for their individual services.

In regard to the Lakeview Industrial Park, Prairie Ridge Shops, et al...the Village must remain focused on what other similar developments are offering to garner business. Surrounding Wisconsin municipalities (and Illinois now that Blagojevich is gone) will try to increase their piece of this pie.

I am not sure where your initial discussion of consolidation crossed into unpaid tax percentages. I am sure the Village is diligent in exhausting the resources to recoup these monies.

John Roscioli said...

My goals as a Trustee don't involve ruffling feathers. Do I expect to make everyone happy?? Nope, not even close. Decisions that have consequences upset people. If you're involved in politics for any length of time and haven't upset anyone...you probably didn't do your duty. Should that be a goal?? NO...an unfortunate, yet realistic outlook.

Anonymous said...

Is Allen taking credit for all the items listed under the section titled "A few of the other highlights over the past two years:" on his webpage? He mentiones Abbott but that was going on before he came on board.

Anonymous said...

so ruffling feather means your doing something worthwhile? ...at least trying?
good point.
what ever happened to RAG?

Anonymous said...

It's time to get serious down there and cut administrative costs instead of cutting workers or their pay. We need to go over salaries and benefits of the big boys down there as the economy continues to crumble. We need to do what we can to insure the actual work of providing services stays intact. Is it true the Head Admin guy down there has the highest salary in the state? What other benefits can go? Not broken? Are you crazy?

How many homes in foreclosure in "Pleasant" Prairie? Hence no tax dollars? How much?

Why is my electric bill so high while my family breaths the filthiest air around from the coal plant?

Why's my water bill so high-we live right on Lake Michigan!

Anonymous said...

We Energies should be paying us for breathing their crap. I bet they get a break on their water bill too?!