Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When Will Election Signs be Removed?

I still see an Allen sign along Russell Road and Roscioli signs along 39th; when will they be removed? Getting close to time allowed.


Village People said...

Mr. Allen called and asked me for sign location. He's trying to find them all so if you see one they have missed, or someone planted without them knowing exactly where, just write a note here to its location. Mr. Roscioli's will be hunting his down soon.

John Roscioli said...

I am "stuck" on the west coast still. Mine will be coming down (that are on vacant lots) over this weekend.

Rich said...


I can help (a little). Is it ok for me to pick up and hold on to the ones that i see?


John Roscioli said...

that would be great rich. I can grab them on Sunday if you don't mind. Thanks so much!

Rich said...

I'm outta town myself until around 9:30 tonight.

But between then and Sunday, I'll hold onto whatever I see.