Saturday, April 5, 2008

Beaver swimming in pond at PTW

We have a beaver swimming up into the outflow pipe at end of 122nd Street in PTW. Sits on shore line and swims around pond. Slaps his tail when frightened.


Anonymous said...

Are you, Alex & Babcock somehow going to say it a problem and Pollocoff & Steinbrink are responsible?

Village People said...

Why, are they releasing beavers?

Bob Babcock Jr. said...

Are you sure it isn't a muskrat? They are about half the size and have a narrow rat-like tail. I'm not saying it's not a beaver, but muskrats are more prevalent.

Village People said...

Beaver. Big flat tail that slaps the water when scared. We've had muskrats every year and this is a lot bigger but not a full grown beaver.

Bob Babcock Jr. said...

Cool, maybe not for everyone at PTW, I'll have to bring my kids over there to check that out.

Village People said...

Better hurry. Jr. and Steve K. know.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I hear they regularly come over by the land between 7th Avenue and the north part of Carol Beach and do all kind of nasty things to beavers.