Friday, March 13, 2009

Good News for Wisconsin and Pleasant Prairie?

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An increase to 4.5 percent from the current 3 percent tax rate on Illinois individuals would include a corresponding hike in the corporate income tax on businesses, according to sources familiar with the new governor's preparations for his first budget address Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Only you would welcome a tax increased tax burden on this economy...and revel in it.

Want to run for Village President? Good luck, pal.

Village People said...

I guess you missed the question mark.

Anonymous said...

is it just my computer or does the tribune site just plain suck? pages just hang and hang on my box. same thing happens at work.

Village People said...

We Energies looks to raise rates

MADISON — Claiming it has costs that would warrant a 6.1 percent increase in its electric rates, We Energies is instead seeking a 2.8 percent electric rate hike and a 4.6 percent increase in natural gas rates.

I guess we'll see anonymous out protesting at WE Energy site and at Plan Commission meetings against Wayne E. Koessl.

Anonymous said...

The only question mark is after the question "Are you sane?"


Village People said...

I see you picked the right signoff for yourself.