Saturday, March 14, 2009

Village Developments

Wouldn't it make sense that lower cost developments would be the first to move forward as the economy recovers? I guess I don't see any pent-up demand out there waiting for expensive housing (article didn't mention approximate new development house prices so I'm making an assumption here). Even if banks were lending, doubt there are a lot out there just waiting for economy to recover. And what does one consider a recovery? More jobs? Less people worried about losing their jobs? Hard to define and I don't envision anything happening for a while. Especially when taxes are slated to increase and costs are still going up (WE Energies for example and taxes in IL).

Click here


Raymond said... picked 3 sites that preformed best for job seekers (alpha order) (aggregated listings) (professional networking) (matches jobs based on your skills)

good luck to those looking.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking subdivisions with 1000sq ft max houses. Face it the era of huge houses is over. The majority of folks, unless your a village admin, won't be able to afford them. We need to start disassembling/recycling the vacant ones and returning them to vacant lots. Could be some bailout dollars to do a start up to do just that. Then build super efficient 1000sq ft max ones.