Sunday, April 13, 2008

Any Lakes Left? Village Plan Comm. Mtg this Monday

I sure would liked to have seen this area become a local park with bike trail and walking path access. I realize it isn't much of a lake now but could be developed. I also understand why they are developing but is this another, and perhaps the last, opportunity lost?

PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDERATION OF A CONCEPTUAL PLAN for the request of Mark Eberle, P.E. of Nielsen, Madsen & Barber, S.C. agent for Louis and Krystyna Tricoli, owners of the properties generally located south of 104th Street at 22nd Avenue for the proposed Paradise Lake development including 20 single family lots and four (4) outlots.

Click here for area overview


Anonymous said...

.A Lake? You want a lake, buy the property and put in a lake. Don't be a commie and take away someone's ability to develop or sell their land as they see fit.

Anonymous said...

Howz about sticking a pipe in Lake Michigan and selling the water to the highest bidder? We'll build Dubai on the Lake right here. That water is going to be worth it's weight in gold. Heck, we'll sell it by the barrel. Now don't be a commie and get in my way...

Bob Babcock Jr. said...

The problem with letting someone develop the land as they see fit is 10 years down the road a homeowner says; "Well the village let them do it so why aren't they (the village) responsible for fixing the problems we have now."

Anonymous said...

.How can you stick up for this idiot. Who is he to tell people what to do with their property?
Everything is negative regardless of the topic. 'Village People' is a snollygoster and a communist.

Village People said...

I didn't tell anybody what to do with their property. I said I understood why they are doing it but would have liked to see it become a lake park for everyone's use. Stop being so shortsighted.

Village People said...

So according to you, the Village is the snollygoster and a communist for taking all the land out by the interstate through eminent domain. Didn't see you or hear you yelling and screaming then. Just when it suits you, right?

Anonymous said...

.You can't even tell the difference between your communism (taking land illegally) and LEGAL eminent domain.

Village People said...

I'm sure you'd be whistling a different tune if they take your land 'legally'.

Anonymous said...

.Hey doper, what's to stop the Village from taking the land through eminent domain 'for the public good'? Nothing,

Anonymous said...

.I don't LIKE eminent domain...just saying it's legal.

I don't like a lot of our laws, but I have to abide by them...just like you.

We can change them if we want to...but we can't ignore them.

Anonymous said...

WOW...Village People is a good candidate for the Moonbat of the week...maybe the month!

Anonymous said...

People thought the Village was crazy when they first proposed Prairie Springs Park in an old gravel pit. We need more parks and hiking and bike trails. We need more environmentally friendly ideas. What we don't need is more warehouses that bring more polluting trucks into the Village. Give the guy a break for having the guts to suggest a positive idea.

Anonymous said...

How do I find out the official Village viewpoint on the subject? Or is this development already a done deal?

Village People said...

Not a done deal yet. The Conceptual Plat will be voted on, along with a cul-de-sac variance, tonight at 6:30 PM Village Board Meeting (April 21st, 2008). Conceptual Plats are first followed by Preliminary Plat, and then Final Plat. Process can take up to 2 years or more. Changes can occur at any stage but typically, it is hard to change something once it is approved.

Anonymous said...

Darn. I wish that I would have known. I really wanted to be there.

Did the plat move forward at all last night?

Village People said...

Yes, Conceptual Plat was approved along with cul-de-sac variance. Again, the phrase "temporary permanent cul-de-sac" was used.

Anonymous said...

Is the Comprehensive Land Use Plan adopted by the Village in June 1996 available on-line?

Village People said...

No but you cna send an e-mail to Village Community Development director asking for a .pdf file. They should be able to send to you. That won't be modified until Preliminary Plat comes up. So you may also want to ask for the letter sent to area residents that includes the Conceptual Plat as it differes from 1996 plan.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. You are a wealth of information.

Do you know what DNR requirments this developement needs to meet and where they are in that process?

Village People said...

They need to fill in some wetlands, and create new equivalent elsewhere, for the road. You'd have to talk to Developer to find out where they are in process, or contact DNR. That stuff is usually done outside of public view as far as I know and one usually doesn't get a look until it comes up for review by Plan Commission and Village Board. Village may also be aware of progress but would need to talk with them.

Anonymous said...

I see on (in the maps section) that the Paradise Lake area is designated an "isolated natural resource area" on the 2010 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, but the same area is also designated as a subdivision under development on the Village Developments map.

How can it be both?

Village People said...

I would ask Jean Werbie:

Jean M. Werbie
Community Development Director