Friday, April 25, 2008

Article Link to Carol Beach Water Problems

Here's a link to Kenosha News article (click here; Village link--click here). Glad to hear that 30 residents turned out for the meeting and also to hear that a number of them spoke out on the subject. Good for them. Hope that something can be done to help both Village and affected residents. Perhaps some Katrina like funds from federal government? Maybe create a special district that qualifies for federal funds? The DNR could have helped answer some of those questions. Were they invited? Special assessments are always tough. Maybe create a POA and charge fees to be used to offset work like a Tax Incremental Finance District bond???

(Anonymous--I checked my spelling but obviously, I didn't do all my homework).


Bob Babcock Jr. said...

Here are some of the highlights from the meeting.

Before the "official" meeting started Mike P. answered questions from residents. When one of the residents asked if there was some way the village could ensure new homes are not built at a higher elevation than current homes, Mike P's answer was: Homes cannot be built more than 2 feet above the road elevation. If your neighbor has built a home that has caused your house to flood, you should initiate a civil suit against your neighbor. When asked if the village had any control over how homes are built, Mike P. said no. The village is bound only by state building codes and other administrative bodies such as the DNR, but the village has no control over what someone wants to do with their property.

The DNR was invited by a resident and we thought they were going to be there.

I'll post more later.

Village People said...

At last night's PC meeting, the Village was talking about a tree ordinance and preserving farm land through regulations. Sounds like they can do something if they really want.