Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Election Results

V Pleasant Prairie Trustee 2
1364 Total Votes
Steve Kumorkiewicz 1301
Write-in 63

V Pleasant Prairie Trustee 4
1349 Total Votes
Michael J. Serpe 1286
Write-in 63

63 write-ins for an uncontested race is amazing. Who were the write-ins? Why the disparity in number of votes? Were those who didn't vote or write-in a candidate not considered in overall totals? Wonder what that number was? Just curious since last few elections have been very close and over 7000 voters have voted in past elections and nearly 4300 in last election for these two positions. What's curious is the almost the identical number of more votes for SK as for MS as this election (17 vs 15) even though nearly 4300 votes and an opposing candidate. What's up with that? Is that a voting glitch?

I know the spin routine and I'm sure I'll get a comment full from the anonymous' about the 'mandate' and 'landslide'...etc.


Anonymous said...

.I know people who only voted for Steve, and not for Mike. I also know folks that only voted for both, and did not cast a vote on any of the other items on the ballot.

It's not unusual to get this low of a turnout in a spring election, especially with all the attention on the fall Presidential election, and the fact that these two were running uncontested.

Write-ins? No big deal - people always write-in "mickey mouse" or "donald duck". It would be interesting to see who the write-in names were, but no big conspiracy theory.

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Anybody who comes up with the 'mandate/landslide' explanation needs a reality check.

Recent elections have all been nearly 50/50 with real contests. Winning ONLY 95% of the vote against NO ONE should actually be a concern. I agree, my guess is that 63 write-ins is likely off-the-charts high in this election cycle.

One thing they CAN BE proud of is shutting down democracy. They outspent, out-bad-mouthed, out-misled all competitors by wide margins.

Is anyone shocked that competition has shriveled? Does anyone want to spend $20K, and then get routinely attacked for 2 years? Must be more to it, huh?

Congratulations GOOD OLE BOYS!

Village People said...

Village website says 1925 votes were cast in Village:

So does that mean that nearly 600 people didn't vote for SK or MS? Only 63 write-ins against each. I suppose a few could be discarded due to incorrectly filling out but 600? WOW!

PleasantPrairieWI said...

Well, that's interesting.

1925 voted, but only 1300-ish chose to vote for either Kumorkiewicz or Serpe. That means approx 625 chose not to vote for the trustee spots at all. Add 63 write-in votes and you got 668 (34.7% of votes cast did not include a YES vote for either of them WITHOUT OPPOSITION). Sounding more and more like a mandate to me.

That should make them feel even more 'delighted' by their 'victory'.

Anonymous said...

.No one said "mandate" except you as a straw man. You want a mandate? It's that you are too much of a chicken to run.

Village People said...

I guess according to you, everybody has to run if they have even one concern. I participate in Village meetings, County Smart growth meetings, my subdivision POA, my community and my church. I get up and speak at meetings and I talk with Police Chief, Village Administrator, Community Development Director, Village Assessor and others. What do you do?