Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Missing Anything?

We have metal collectors driving through our neighborhood with their big, noisy trucks the evening before and early morning of trash / recycling day. Yesterday evening, one of these guys in a big white moving-type truck (looks like he painted with a can of spray paint over the old paint job) tried to take one of our neighbor kids brand new bikes because it was in our driveway near street. My wife stopped him and he said "then you shouldn't leave it by end of driveway". I won't repeat what she said to him but he's lucky I wasn't there. I told my wife to call police next time and I'll be watching for them. I've already asked PPPD about it and they said to call them if it is a problem. I suggest you watch out for them and do the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there have been some cronies of rob schiller canvasing the neighborhoods since before we even built our house here. I'm guessing these are the guys, sounds like their truck...