Thursday, May 8, 2008

Citizen Comments

The Antioch Village Board has adopted a new procedure for allowing Citizen's Comments throughout meeting, and to streamline meetings by adding items to the Consent Agenda (click here).

"""Velan said it is common to group routine items, including accounts payable, special event licenses and second readings of ordinances, together for board action. "It is a time-saving measure," she said. """

Although Village does use some of the suggested new procedures already, there is an opportunity to streamline further since some felt meetings were too long and recently tried to move meeting time up. The ability to comment on agenda items, similar to format for Plan Commission, would be a welcome change.


Anonymous said...

The biggest problem with the PP meetings is a couple of windbags who do not know when to shut up. They think if they say the same thing 7 different ways, everyone will have to agree.

Bob Babcock Jr. said...

If we were able to say our comments after the village staff spoke on an item, we would be able to narrow our comments. The way things are set up now, we don't know which way the village is leaning on any given agenda item so we tend to cover all the bases.