Friday, December 19, 2008

Special Village Board Meeting

They need a special meeting for this one item? Why didn't they deal with this at Monday's meeting? Best use of personnel and time?

3. Public Hearing

A. Consider Revocation of “Class B” Intoxicating Liquor and Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage License issued to George Lyons for non-use.

4. Adjournment.


Anonymous said...

If you knew the methodology/reasoning, you'd ask less questions about the timing.

It isn't your common meeting style. Devoid of Board/citizens comments, it's a pseudo-legal proceeding.

Village People said...

It was a public hearing. Why should it matter?

Anonymous said...

Exactly, you aren't "hearing" what I'm telling you. Look at the agenda....ZERO comments. The Village legal rep
discusses the problems/violations and there is rebuttal from their (in this case George Lyons') attorney...done deal. No board or public input. I

BTW, they did revoke the license.

Anonymous said...

Now it makes sense....